Article Supervision of the FARM-TRAC project/ BICAF in Aflao and the Kodjoviakopé supplier market were visited

The agenda of the supervision mission to the FARM-TRAC project by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) includes a visit to the Commercial Information and Border Assistance Office (BICAF) of Aflao and the supplier market of Kodjoviakopé in Togo. This technical visit was made this Wednesday, August 04, 2021, by the entire coordination team. 

The BICAFs are installed within the framework of the FARM-TRAC project financed by IFAD and implemented by CILSS, IFPRI and AOCTAH to contribute to the fluidity of cross-border trade.

KPANOU Ben-Vital, IFAD Consultant
KPANOU Ben-Vital, IFAD Consultant

KPANOU Ben-Vital, IFAD Consultant

In installation for a few months at the southern border of Togo and Ghana, the coordination team appreciated the level of success of the work and requested the proper positioning of some of our partners' logos.

After this visit to the BICAF of Aflao, the same team, together with Mr. KPANOU Ben-Vital, IFAD Consultant, visited the supplier market of Kodjoviakopé in Lomé. In this place, the team met and discussed with the traders and collectors of the said market.

It should be noted that this market is a major sales point for chilli and coconut as well as cocoa powder. It should also be noted that the collection of data in this market is done under the supervision of Mr. Emile AGBOVI, supervisor of collectors of AOCTAH in Togo.  

It is this last one that marks the end of the field activities of this supervision mission. Everyone is working on the administrative report of the whole mission.

We are very grateful to Mr. Hermann Tossou, IFAD-based Program Analyst who is closely following this supervision mission.