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The objective of AOCTAH is to promote solidarity in matters of food and nutritional security as well as trade in the CILSS and ECOWAS areas. As such, he is committed to :

Agricultural commodities exchange

Set up a West Africa Agricultural Commodities Exchange (WAACE)

Storage, marketing and transport of products

work on the development of a regional capacity for the storage, marketing and transport of food or agro-sylvo-pastoral, fishery and agrifood products at national and regional level

Jobs, wealth and food and nutritional sovereignty

Contribuer à la création d’emplois, de richesses ainsi qu’à la souveraineté alimentaire et nutritionnelle des pays et de la région

Monitoring and data collection

Monitoring and data collection on informal cross-border flows and trade barriers

Mobilization of financial resources

Mobilize financial resources from States, Technical and Financial Partners, Regional Integration Economic Communities, patrons, etc.

Membership management

Strengthen the financial, technical and organizational capacities of members

Fluid and Integrated Food or Agro-sylvo-pastoral and Fisheries Product Markets in the Sahel and West Africa.


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